Camden Property Owners Succeed in Having Properties Removed from Redevelopment Area

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
2 Jan 2010

 The Camden City Council amended its Lanning Square Redevelopment Plan during a special meeting on December 29, 2009, to remove two blocks from the property acquisition list.  The amendments were part of a settlement agreement with two of the parties involved in litigation that began in 2008 after the redevelopment plan was announced.  The Camden Redevelopment Agency said it is working to potentially avoid taking property in other contested areas, although the remaining lawsuits are scheduled to be heard together in Superior Court in Camden on February 22, 2010.  More information about the removal of the certain properties and the remaining litigation can be found in the Courier Post here.

McKirdy & Riskin, P.A.’s  Jack Buonocore represented one of the successful property owners in this matter, Carmel Realty, whose interests in the area include a Valu-Plus store, nail salon and restaurant.
