New Jersey Assembly Passes Bill Creating Receiving Zones for Development Rights Under Highlands Act
The New Jersey State Assembly has approved legislation authorizing municipalities outside of the Highlands Region to voluntarily act as receiving zones for development under the Highlands transfer of development rights (TDR) program. Under existing law, a municipality’s plan must be endorsed under the State Planning Act to accommodate receiving zones under the program, but the bill would now permit municipalities to participate after the State Planning Commission and Highlands Water Protection and Planning Council determines the municipality has designated an appropriate project area as a receiving zone.
Read more about Bill A-602 in The Express-Times, and on the website for Politicker NJ
A copy of the Assembly bill can be found here, while the Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee’s Statement to the Assembly bill can be found here.
If you wish to contact your local legislator about these bills, please click here.
The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of Cory K. Kestner, Esq., of McKirdy & Riskin, PA, in the preparation of this article.