Morristown's Speedwell Redevelopment Moving Forward (Slowly)

by: Joseph Grather
1 Sep 2011

Earlier this month, the Town of Morristown introduced – and adopted – another amended redevelopment plan.  The public will have an opportunity to comment on the amended plan on September 15, 2011 as reported by the Daily Record.

A more detailed account of the redevelopment project may be found in this Morristown Patch article.

Having grown up in Morristown, I must say that new development in this section of town, combined with roadway improvements at the Spring, Speedwell, Early Street intersection might be good for the area.  On the other hand, the area in question has always been a vibrant occupied commercial/retail/ residential section of Town busy with people night and day, and to the extent that any “redevelopment” occurs, the Town must insure that it complies with all relevant laws and is takes adequate measures to insure protection of the existing property owners’ rights as well.

I remember when Marty’s Reliable Cycle Center was next to Frank’s Fish Market (south of Early), and now Marty’s is one of the anchors of the area north of the fire house.  Any new development should bear in mind the character of the neighborhood that has adapted and changed with the people and the market over the past 40 years.  We’ll be watching what happens on September 15, and afterwards, with interest.
