A Comprehensive Guide to Eminent Domain Just Compensation

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
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11 Sep 2024

In an eminent domain case, when a governmental agency or other condemning authority takes private property, the property owner is constitutionally entitled to receive eminent domain just compensation for the taking. This refers to the amount of money that will make the owner whole and indemnify them for the loss of the property. Frequently, just compensation is measured by determining the amount that the owner could receive for the property on the open market, assuming the owner wanted to sell the property. But what exactly does that calculation entail?

To determine the value of just compensation and present the court with their opinion of a property’s value, appraisers typically employ three methods: the comparable sales approach, the cost approach, and the income approach.

1. The Comparable Sales Approach

The comparable sales approach, also known as the “market” approach, is the cornerstone of property valuation in eminent domain proceedings. This method plays a crucial role in determining fair and accurate eminent domain just compensation for property owners.

How the Comparable Sales Approach Works:

  1. Market Data Analysis: Appraisers gather recent sales data of similar properties in the area.
  2. Property Comparison: The condemned property is compared to these similar, recently sold properties.
  3. Characteristic Evaluation: Appraisers analyze properties with similar attributes, including:
    • Size
    • Location
    • Condition
    • Zoning
    • Amenities
  4. Value Adjustments: The appraiser makes adjustments to the property’s value based on how it compares to the similar properties.

For example, if the condemned property is larger or in a more desirable location than the comparable properties, its value may be adjusted upwards. Conversely, less favorable features might result in a downward adjustment.

Importance in Eminent Domain Cases:

The comparable sales approach is vital because it:

  • Provides a fair market value based on actual sales data
  • Reflects current market conditions
  • Offers a transparent and objective valuation method

An eminent domain lawyer can help property owners understand the nuances of this approach and ensure they receive fair compensation. These legal professionals can provide valuable guidance on the appraisal process and challenge unfair valuations.

Challenges and Considerations:

While the comparable sales approach is widely used, it’s not without challenges:

  • Finding truly comparable properties can be difficult, especially for unique or specialized properties.
  • Recent market fluctuations may not be accurately reflected in older sales data.
  • Public agency acquisitions may skew comparable sales data.

It’s important to note that eminent domain requires compensation by law, but the amount offered may not always reflect true market value. Property owners should be aware of various eminent domain compensation examples to better understand their rights.

2. The Cost Approach: Ensuring Fair Eminent Domain Just Compensation

The cost approach is a crucial method for determining eminent domain just compensation, especially in cases where market data is limited or the property is unique. This approach considers a property’s land and improvements as separate entities, providing a comprehensive valuation that can be vital in ensuring fair compensation for property owners.

How the Cost Approach Works:

  1. Land Valuation: The market value of the land is determined using the comparable sales approach.
  2. Improvement Valuation: The estimated construction costs of any improvements on the land are calculated.
  3. Total Value Calculation: The formula is simple: Total Value = Land Value + Improvement Value

The Process in Detail:

  1. Land Valuation: Appraisers use the comparable sales approach to determine the land’s market value.
  2. Improvement Assessment: A specific formula calculates the reproduction cost of improvements.
  3. Present Value Determination: The relative age and condition of improvements are considered.
  4. Depreciation Application: Factors are applied to reflect wear, tear, and obsolescence.

This approach is particularly useful for:

  • Unique or special-purpose properties
  • Properties with limited market data
  • Uncommon structures or improvements

An eminent domain lawyer can help property owners understand how the cost approach applies to their specific case, ensuring they receive fair eminent domain just compensation.

Advantages of the Cost Approach:

  1. Accuracy for Unique Properties: It provides a more accurate valuation for properties without many comparable sales.
  2. Consideration of Improvements: It considers the value of all improvements, which might be overlooked in other methods.
  3. Transparency: The breakdown of land and improvement values offers clarity in the valuation process.

Challenges and Considerations:

While the cost approach can be beneficial, it’s not without its challenges:

  • Accurately estimating construction costs can be difficult, especially for older or unique structures.
  • Determining depreciation factors requires expertise and can be subjective.
  • The approach may not always reflect market realities, especially in rapidly changing real estate markets.

Property owners facing eminent domain proceedings should work closely with an experienced eminent domain lawyer to ensure the cost approach is applied correctly, if it’s the most appropriate method for their property.

Fighting for Fair Compensation:

Understanding the cost approach can be a powerful tool for property owners asking, “Can you fight eminent domain?” By employing this method, property owners can:

  • Challenge inadequate compensation offers
  • Ensure all improvements are properly valued
  • Advocate for a fair assessment of their property’s worth

In eminent domain cases, knowledge is power. Comprehending the nuances of the cost approach empowers property owners to actively participate in the valuation process and fight for just compensation.

3. The Income Approach

The income approach is a crucial method for determining eminent domain just compensation, particularly for income-generating properties such as apartment buildings, offices, and retail stores. This method provides a comprehensive valuation based on the property’s potential to generate future income, ensuring fair compensation for property owners in eminent domain cases.

How the Income Approach Works:

  1. Income Projection: Appraisers estimate the future income the property will generate.
  2. Present Value Calculation: The projected income is converted to present value.
  3. Market Value Determination: Appraisers assess what a buyer would pay for these future earnings.

This approach is particularly relevant for calculating eminent domain just compensation for commercial properties, as it considers the property’s income-generating potential.

Key Components of the Income Approach:

  1. Net Operating Income (NOI): Calculate the property’s annual income minus operating expenses.
  2. Capitalization Rate: Determine the rate of return on the property investment.
  3. Property Value: Divide the NOI by the capitalization rate to arrive at the property value.

An eminent domain lawyer in NJ can help property owners understand how the income approach applies to their specific case, ensuring they receive fair eminent domain just compensation.

Advantages of the Income Approach:

  1. Accuracy for Commercial Properties: It provides a more accurate valuation for income-generating properties.
  2. Future Potential Consideration: It considers the property’s future earning potential.
  3. Market-Based Valuation: It reflects what investors would likely pay for the property based on its income potential.

Challenges and Considerations:

While the income approach can be beneficial, it’s not without its challenges:

  • Accurately projecting future income can be complex, especially in volatile markets.
  • Determining an appropriate capitalization rate requires expertise and market knowledge.
  • The approach may not fully account for unique property features or potential for alternative uses.

Eminent Domain vs. Condemnation

Understanding the income approach is crucial in the context of eminent domain vs. condemnation. While both processes involve government acquisition of private property, the valuation methods can significantly impact the just compensation offered.

Property owners should be aware that:

  • The government’s initial offer may not always reflect true market value.
  • Disputes can arise over what constitutes just compensation.
  • Various factors, including potential for development, can affect appraisal values.

Ensuring Fair Compensation

If you’re unsure about an appraisal of your property, consider consulting an experienced eminent domain lawyer. They can help you:

  • Navigate the complex valuation process
  • Ensure you receive the “just compensation” guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment
  • Challenge unfair compensation offers based on inaccurate income projections or capitalization rates

By understanding the nuances of the income approach and working with an experienced eminent domain lawyer, property owners can better advocate for fair compensation. This method, when applied correctly, ensures that property owners are fairly compensated for their income-generating properties, considering both current and potential future earnings.

Remember, in eminent domain cases, knowledge is power. Understanding the income approach empowers property owners to actively participate in the valuation process and fight for the just compensation they deserve under the law.


Understanding the various approaches to property valuation is crucial when facing eminent domain proceedings. Whether it’s the comparable sales approach, the cost approach, or the income approach, each method plays a vital role in determining eminent domain just compensation. As a property owner in Staten Island, it’s essential to be aware of these valuation methods to ensure you receive fair compensation for your property.

However, navigating the complexities of eminent domain law and property valuation can be challenging. The process often requires in-depth knowledge of local real estate markets, legal precedents, and negotiation strategies. This is where the expertise of an experienced eminent domain lawyer becomes invaluable.

At McKirdy & Riskin, we understand the intricacies of eminent domain cases and are committed to protecting your rights as a property owner. Our team of skilled attorneys has a proven track record of securing fair compensation for our clients in Staten Island and beyond.

Don’t leave your property’s value to chance. Take the first step in protecting your rights and ensuring fair compensation.

Get in touch with us for a consultation with our experienced eminent domain attorneys. Let us help you navigate the complexities of eminent domain proceedings and fight for the just compensation you deserve.

The author acknowledges the assistance of John Oettinger, a summer intern at McKirdy & Riskin, in preparing this article.  Mr. Oettinger is a member of the Class of 2018 at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.

