How Societal Bias Shapes Eminent Domain Decisions

The societal bias inherent in eminent domain practices has become increasingly apparent as studies reveal its disproportionate impact on vulnerable communities across New Jersey and nationwide. The government’s power to acquire private property, while essential for public infrastructure development, has given rise to projects ranging from railroads and highways to schools, hospitals, and parks. As... Read More
A Comprehensive Guide to Eminent Domain Just Compensation

In an eminent domain case, when a governmental agency or other condemning authority takes private property, the property owner is constitutionally entitled to receive eminent domain just compensation for the taking. This refers to the amount of money that will make the owner whole and indemnify them for the loss of the property. Frequently, just... Read More
Eminent Domain in a Nutshell
The definition of eminent domain encompasses a powerful legal doctrine that allows governments to acquire private property for public use, often sparking controversy and concern among property owners. This constitutional authority, while intended to serve the greater good, can sometimes be misused, leading to examples of eminent domain abuse that have shaped legal precedents and... Read More
Property Tax Caps Considered Across America
Property tax caps are legislative measures designed to limit the amount by which property taxes can increase annually. These caps are implemented to provide homeowners with financial predictability and to protect them from sudden and significant tax hikes that can occur due to rising property values. By controlling the increase in property taxes, these caps... Read More
Commercial Property Tax Implications in a Cooling Industrial Market
The industrial market, once a hotbed of activity and growth, is experiencing a notable cooling trend. This shift is primarily due to a combination of rising interest rates, decreased demand, and maturing leases and debt. Understanding the commercial property tax implications of this cooling industrial market is crucial for property owners and tenants alike. As... Read More
Morristown Property Tax Revaluation – 2023 Letters Were “Wrong”, New Ones Coming Soon
Morristown’s first real property tax revaluation in approximately 20 years is underway and scheduled to be completed this year. Our prior blog post on this topic from early 2023 discussed the process that is now occurring and confirmed that the revaluation, originally set for 2022, had experienced delays for a variety of reasons: Morristown Property... Read More
What Are Rollback Taxes? Understanding NJ Farmland Assessment Changes
New Jersey’s Farmland Assessment Act has been a topic of significant interest recently, particularly due to the substantial tax benefits it offers to qualifying properties. One crucial aspect of this act that property owners must understand is the concept of rollback taxes. These taxes play a vital role in maintaining the integrity of farmland preservation efforts, while protecting municipalities from potential misuse of the system. What Are Rollback Taxes?... Read More
Everyone Loves Costco, Except Residents in Guilderland, NY
On the other side of the Hudson River, we have a “developing” eminent domain story involving a retailer that this blogger (and father of two) personally loves – Costco! What’s not to like? Great deals, diverse products, $5 giant rotisserie chicken…the list goes on. It seems you can purchase almost anything you could ever need... Read More
How One Texas Agency Restricted Its Eminent Domain Powers
Here is some eminent domain news from the Lone Star State. In a rarely seen maneuver (at least something this blogger has never), a new policy adopted by the Texas Parks & Wildlife Commission will restrict the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s (TPWD) future use of its eminent domain powers. Parks and Wildlife Code (section... Read More
Another Redevelopment Project Brewing in Seaside Heights?
Last week, the Seaside Heights Borough Council unanimously approved a resolution requesting its Planning Board to investigate whether a motel property on Ocean Terrace qualifies as an “area in need of redevelopment” under the New Jersey Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1, et seq. The property, a motel currently operated as the Surfside Motel... Read More