"Man Bites Dog" Eminent Domain Story as Utah Seeks to Condemn Federal Land

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
5 Apr 2010
Utah Governor Gary Herbert recently signed legislation,  HB324, which authorizes the State of Utah to use its power of eminent domain to take federally owned lands. Herbert argues that Utah is entitled to take the land because the federal government refuses to sell certain properties which could be developed or mined for natural resources. More than sixty percent... Read More

"Bizarre" Condemnation Case Involving 40-Year Old Dune "Taking" Argued Before New Jersey Supreme Court

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
23 Mar 2010
The New Jersey Supreme Court heard oral arguments on March 22, 2010, after a trial judge and appeals court found Avalon’s adoption of shore-protection regulations resulted in an inverse condemnation of beach property.  A 1962 Nor’easter leveled a home owned by Edward and Nancy Klummp, and Avalon constructed dunes on the property before a house... Read More

New Jersey Supreme Court Issues Three Opinions Regarding Dismissal of Property Tax Cases

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
23 Mar 2010
The New Jersey Supreme Court recently decided that the timelines in relevant statutes and court rules requiring a town to move to dismiss an appeal do not apply when a taxpayer has knowingly provided false or fraudulent information.  In Lucent Technologies, Inc. v. Twp. of Berkeley Heights, __ N.J. __ (2010), the Court held that the New... Read More

New Jersey Assembly Passes Bill Creating Receiving Zones for Development Rights Under Highlands Act

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
19 Mar 2010
The New Jersey State Assembly has approved legislation authorizing municipalities outside of the Highlands Region to voluntarily act as receiving zones for development under the Highlands transfer of development rights (TDR) program.  Under existing law, a municipality’s plan must be endorsed under the State Planning Act to accommodate receiving zones under the program, but the bill would now... Read More

Flood of Property Tax Appeals Expected Again — Relief in Sight?

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
13 Mar 2010
Recent newspaper articles have highlighted the need for property tax reform in New Jersey.  An article in the Asbury Park Press discussed whether property tax relief enacted by the government had been successful, while another article in the Hudson Reporter focused on what taxpayers can do to appeal their property taxes. Asbury Park Press Senior... Read More

Taxpayer Defeats Dismissal Claim by Hopatcong Borough

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
12 Mar 2010
New Jersey Tax Court Judge Vito L. Bianco, J.T.C., recently denied the Borough of Hopatcong’s Motion to Dismiss a tax appeal where the taxpayer’s Complaint was filed before the April 1 statutory deadline, but the copies mailed to the Municipal Tax Assessor and Municipal Clerk were received by the parties after that filing deadline.  In... Read More

Legislature Introduces Bills to Make Tax Appeal Process More User Friendly

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
8 Mar 2010
New Jersey Assemblyman Domenick DiCicco, Jr., has introduced A2194, titled the “Property Assessment Appeal Transparency Act,” which would require the Director of Taxation to include specific language on the taxpayer’s notice of assessment or notice of change of assessment to emphasize the affect of a property’s assessed value on that property’s taxes.  The new language... Read More

New Legislation Proposes Referendum on Consolidation of Taxes and Fees

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
4 Mar 2010
Senators Bob Smith and Joseph Kyrillos, Jr., have introduced S-458 which would require a binding statewide referendum on whether local property tax assessment and collection services, local animal control services and local public health services should be consolidated at the county level.  The Commissioner of Community Affairs and Director of the Division of Taxation in... Read More

City of Elizabeth Ordered to Pay Motel Owner from Environmental Escrow

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
3 Mar 2010
The City of Elizabeth was recently ordered by New Jersey Superior Court Judge Kathryn A. Brock to permit the release of more than $350,000 to the former owner of a motel seized under eminent domain.   The monies had been held in a  Superior Court escrow account to provide funding for environmental cleanup of the property. The City acquired the... Read More

2010 Property Tax Filing Deadline One Month Away

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
1 Mar 2010
APRIL 1, 2010 FILING DEADLINE LOOMS In today’s challenging economic climate, owners, operators and property managers of commercial, industrial and other investment properties may look to reduce real estate tax expenses by considering whether to appeal their 2010 local property assessments.  On or about February 1, 2010, the local tax assessor in every municipality across... Read More