BLOG: Property Tax Appeal

Taxpayer’s Effort to Increase Assessor’s Own Assessment Might be Frivolous and Trigger Sanctions

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
29 Apr 2019
The New Jersey Tax Court recently issued an opinion regarding the timeliness of an application for sanctions and fees in connection with a property tax appeal filed by a resident who sought to increase the assessment on a home owned by a husband and wife who also are appraisers and local tax assessors.  The tax... Read More

Appellate Court: Mobile Home Park Can Satisfy Affordable Housing Obligation

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
25 Apr 2019
A New Jersey appellate court recently held that a municipality may use its eminent domain powers to seize a mobile home park in order fulfill its affordable housing obligation.  The matter involved the taking by the Township of Robbinsville of a mobile home park owned by defendant, Mercer MHC, LLC, which contained approximately 14 acres... Read More

Tax Court to Tax Assessors: Time to Choose a Side!

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
22 Apr 2019
A recent opinion by New Jersey Tax Court Mala Sundar, approved for publication, may force at least some of New Jersey’s municipal tax assessors to change the way they do business.  The case, decided April 2, 2019, involved a motion by the Township of Hazlet to bar a property owner’s appraisal expert because that expert... Read More

Single Family Residence, Not Permitted By Local Zoning, Granted Exemption By Tax Court

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
18 Apr 2019
A single family residence in Mahwah Township was recently granted a summary judgment, holding it exempt from property taxation pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.6.   The plaintiff, Chai Lifeline, Inc. owns a single family home in Mahwah used as a retreat to assist families with children suffering from terminal, life-threatening or other serious illnesses.  The property includes... Read More

Does Eminent Domain Require Compensation? Key Facts You Should Know

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
Contract with Hammer Legal contracts are subject to commercial disputes that are resolved in a court of law.
22 Nov 2018
Does eminent domain require compensation? This is a critical question for property owners facing the possibility of government seizure of their land. Eminent domain is a powerful tool used by the government to take private property for public use, but it comes with complex legal implications. Understanding whether you are entitled to compensation, and how... Read More

How to Appeal Your New Jersey Property Tax Assessment

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
14 Oct 2018
Property owners in New Jersey typically receive their final tax bills each year in July or August.  This causes many to evaluate their property tax burden and to determine if they can save money by filing a property tax appeal.  Although many property owners may believe that their property tax assessments are set in stone,... Read More

Tax Court Denies City’s Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Prosecution

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
26 Sep 2018
The Tax Court recently denied a motion by the City of Ventnor to dismiss an appeal brought by a property owner from a judgment of the Atlantic County Board of Taxation. The City claimed the owner failed to prosecute the tax appeal before the County Board when its counsel appeared, but presented no evidence and... Read More

The Cost Approach: Hard Costs vs. Soft Costs in the Context of Tax Appeals

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
15 Sep 2018
New home constructions often require that the property tax assessment which is then placed on a property be carefully examined.  Generally, property assessments for the following year are set forth by the municipal assessor on October 1.  However, if an improvement of a structure is completed after the regular assessment date of October 1, and... Read More

Doughnut and Coffee With Reversal and Remand

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
11 Jul 2018
The Appellate Division reversed and remanded a decision of the Tax Court that affirmed the assessment on a Dunkin Donuts property in the City of Elizabeth. The appellate court found that the lower court erred by relying on evidence not in the record. Plaintiff’s appraiser utilized the income capitalization approach to appraise the property. In... Read More

“I Don’t Remember Sending It but Probably Did”…Works to Defeat Chapter 91 Dismissal Motion

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
12 Jun 2018
We recently summarized Gamma-Upsilon Alumni Ass’n of Kappa Sigma, Inc. v. City of New Brunswick, a case in which the plaintiff’s tax appeal was dismissed due to its failure to respond to the assessor’s request for income and expense Information, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 54:4-34 (commonly known as “Chapter 91”). Chapter 91 provides that a... Read More