BLOG: Condemnation Law

Expert’s “Gut Feeling” on Costs Survives Dismissal Claim

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
11 Jul 2011
An expert witness’s “gut feeling” about the cost of a plaintiff’s construction claim was sufficient to withstand a motion to dismiss according to a recent New Jersey Appellate Division opinion.  The holding in Nevins v. Toll Brothers, Inc., has the potential to affect similar motions in real estate valuation litigation such as eminent domain and real estate... Read More

South Carolina: Attorneys' Fees Can't Be "Taken"

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
27 Jun 2011
Court Holds Appointed Attorneys’ Time is Compensable Property  As our colleague from Hawaii, Robert Thomas, recently posted in his excellent blog,, the South Carolina Supreme Court has ruled that an attorney’s services constitute a property right which entitles the attorney to just compensation under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment.  An appointed attorney sought removal as appointed counsel... Read More

California Town Tries the Back Door

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
17 Jun 2011
Organizations Claim National City, CA Now Attacking Businesses through Rezoning Rather than Eminent Domain Following a successful challenge by the Community Youth Athletic Center – a club where teenagers train in boxing and receive tutoring for school classes – to a blight designation, National City, California, has decided instead to rezone the redevelopment area.  However,... Read More

Harrison Redevelopment: With Slow Going, Fiscal Health Is Questioned

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
13 Jun 2011
A recent story by Romy Varghese of Bloomberg News questions the economics of the Harrison redevelopment project, which includes the Red Bulls soccer stadium, a new commuter parking deck adjacent to the Harrison PATH station, and one multi-family residential construction project which is now underway.  The article, available here, reports that the Town of Harrison... Read More

Mt. Holly Gardens Project on Hannity Show

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
1 Jun 2011
Talk Show Host Highlights Property Owners’ Redevelopment Plight  Talk show host Sean Hannity aired a segment titled “American Dream Becomes Eminent Domain Nightmare in New Jersey” on his nationally syndicated show.  The segment highlights how the threat of eminent domain has been used to acquire property in Mt. Holly, New Jersey, while leaving the remaining... Read More

Morristown's Speedwell Redevelopment Hot Topic In Debate

by: Joseph Grather
31 May 2011
The Daily Record recently reported on a Town Council candidates’ debate (read the article here) which included lively discussion on the future of the Speedwell Avenue Redevelopment Project.  Each candidate had his or her own take on the direction the redevelopment should follow.  Several of the candidates opined in favor of improvements to the Early/Spring/Speedwell... Read More

With summer upon us, let's go to the beach…if we can access it.

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
27 May 2011
Local Beach Access Plan Draws Ire of Environmental Groups Environmental groups voiced concerns through postcards and press conferences over proposed rules they claim would restrict rather than enhance access to New Jersey’s beaches.  A proposed plan would permit local towns to establish access plans that would be reviewed by the State.  The Department of Environmental... Read More

Asbury Park Heads to Arbitration with Redeveloper

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
25 May 2011
 Court-ordered arbitration hearings are scheduled to begin in early June under the supervision of retired U.S. District Court Judge Nicholas H. Politan.  At issue is whether Asbury Park’s designated redeveloper breached the terms of the redeveloper agreement and is now in default.  The original redeveloper, Asbury Partners, lost control of approximately 70 to 80 properties to its lender... Read More

Long Branch Considers Rehabilitation in Lieu of Redevelopment

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
18 May 2011
 The City of Long Branch has asked its planning board to examine whether the Broadway Arts, Broadway- Gateway and Beachfront South redevelopment zones could be designated as rehabilitation zones.  According to Long Branch Mayor Adam Schneider “The ability to have enhanced zoning and planning and the benefits of it are enormous.”  Property owners who spoke at... Read More

Mt Holly Gardens Stay Pending Appeal Continues

by: Joseph Grather
17 May 2011
On May 10, 2011, the United States Court of Appeals denied an application by the Township of Mt. Holly requesting a modification of lifting of a stay pending appeal which had been imposed imposed by the Court back in March of this year.  (Check our prior blog post on the stay by clicking here). The Court of... Read More