BLOG: Condemnation Law
NJ Supreme Court upholds Highlands Act
The New Jersey Supreme Court recently held that an inverse condemnation did not occur in a takings case involving the application of the New Jersey Highlands Act with respect to a development tract owned by OFP, LLC in Morris County. According to the Supreme Court, which upheld an earlier opinion by the Appellate Division of the New... Read More
Cliffside Park attempts land grab outside of borders
Condemnation push stuns owners Saturday, November 8, 2008 BY MICHAEL GARTLAND STAFF WRITER “Cliffside Park is trying to condemn a building it has been leasing from a local business owner for more than a year to store its trucks. But the land isn’t in Cliffside Park. It’s in Fairview. The property owners, Bridget Tapkas and... Read More
Hamilton Township required to honor settlement
Court Leaves Hamilton Holding the Bill For Klockner Woods by Ryan Tracy/The Times Monday July 21, 2008, 1:13 PM “HAMILTON — The state Supreme Court will not hear Hamilton’s appeal of the Klockner Woods case, effectively enforcing a lower court ruling that the township pony up the roughly $4.5 million it owes for the 51-acre... Read More
Long Branch Owners Win on Appeal
Redevelopment Project Suffers Setback The Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court reversed an earlier trial court opinion which had upheld the right of the City of Long Branch to utlilize its eminent domain powers to condemn oceanfront properties in the City’s Beachfront North Redevelopment. The appellate court remanded the matter for another hearing in... Read More
$17.9 Million Jury Verdict Upheld on Appeal
The Appellate Division of the Superior Court recently upheld and affirmed a jury verdict of $17,900,000.00 as just compensation for the taking of a 75 acre farm in Piscataway Township for open space. The farm, owned by the Halper family, had been the subject of a long-standing battle between the Township and the Halper family which... Read More
Redevelopment Designation in Neptune Rejected
The Superior Court of New Jersey recently rejected a redevelopment designation by the Borough of Neptune City. 65 Steiner Avenue, LLC v. Borough of Neptune City, MON-L-4082-85. The area targeted by the Borough through the redevelopment processes of the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. (“LRHL”), consisted of light industrial uses, some... Read More
Harrison redevelopment project halted
Harrison redevelopment work halts on judge’s order by Maura McDermott/The Star-Ledger Monday March 31, 2008, 7:11 PM “Redevelopment work in downtown Harrison was at a standstill today after a Superior Court judge issued an order halting the project. The work cannot resume until it is clear whether the Harrison Redevelopment Agency had the right to... Read More