BLOG: Property Tax Appeal

Hot Industrial Market Cooling? Property Tax Implications Abound

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
12 Jul 2024
The precipitous rise in interest rates in the past two years has certainly impacted deal flow in most classes of commercial real estate, with the already weakened office market bearing the brunt of the harm due to decreased demand, maturing leases and maturing debt.  More info regarding asset repricing is available in this article in... Read More

Morristown Property Tax Revaluation – 2023 Letters Were “Wrong”, New Ones Coming Soon

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
10 Apr 2024
Morristown’s first real property tax revaluation in approximately 20 years is underway and scheduled to be completed this year.  Our prior blog post on this topic from early 2023 discussed the process that is now occurring and confirmed that the revaluation, originally set for 2022, had experienced delays for a variety of reasons: Morristown Property... Read More

Jersey City: More Property Tax Refunds Means More Reverse Appeals

by: Thomas Olson
20 Dec 2023
                There is good news and bad news for Jersey City taxpayers. The good news first: Many taxpayers in Jersey City have successfully appealed their tax assessments (contact us for more details), thus rightfully receiving refunds on their over-assessed properties. So much so that a whopping $21 million... Read More

Illinois Falls in Line With Kirby Forest and Reverses Big Tax Refund

by: Joseph Grather
1 Nov 2023
  The Illinois Supreme Court filed an opinion on September 21, 2023 in MB Financial Bank v. Brophy (opinion here).  In 2018, the property owner filed a complaint seeking a refund for overpayment of taxes on the low-income apartment building known as Evergreen Terrace it operated in Chicago.  The property owner claimed that it had... Read More

UPDATE To STAY NJ – We Shall See In January 2026!

by: Thomas Olson
3 Aug 2023
Back in June, we blogged about the early rumblings of a bill to be passed which would increase property tax savings to Seniors living in New Jersey. Billed as “Stay NJ”, it was purported that Senior homeowners and renters (aged 65 and older) could see reductions in their property tax bills up to $6,500 for... Read More

The City of Newark to Perform its First Property Revaluation Since 2013

by: Matthew Erickson
28 Jul 2023
The City of Newark, New Jersey on July 19, 2023 passed an Ordinance for a Special Emergency Revaluation. This will be the City’s first property tax revaluation since 2013.  This revaluation has not been officially scheduled but has a targeted completion date of sometime during or before the 2027 tax year.  This deadline was made... Read More

Real Estate Tax Appeal: Key Differences from Eminent Domain

by: Michael Realbuto
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30 Jun 2023
The real estate tax appeal process can ultimately lead to reduced tax burdens for New Jersey property owners…that is the good news, and our firm specializes in representing property owners across N.J. in those types of cases. However, unique situations may arise during a tax appeal that can pose a dilemma for owners. One such... Read More

NJ’s Senior Homeowners and Renters Could See Reduced Property Tax Bills

by: Thomas Olson
27 Jun 2023
New Jersey Governor Murphy and state legislators have purportedly reached an agreement to enact a bill to help New Jersey’s seniors stay in New Jersey. Legislators proposed a bill titled “StayNJ Act” which would effectively cut property tax bills for homeowners and renters ages 65 and older starting in 2026. The bill was introduced by... Read More

Self-Represented Litigants Appeal Assessments In Tax Court and Lose

by: Thomas Olson
8 Jun 2023
This recent Tax Court opinion is based on an appeal by self-represented litigants of the 2021 added assessment and 2022 tax year local property tax assessment on a single family home in Montclair Township. The Court affirmed the 2021 added assessment and 2022 tax assessment. The self represented litigants, Lucy and Daniel Yang, purchased the... Read More

Tax Court Judge Novin Strikes Unverified Sales

by: Thomas Olson
2 May 2023
In this recent Tax Court opinion, Lafayette Sq. Construction Co. LLC and Union Court LLC (“collectively referred to as Square”) challenged Montclair Township’s tax assessment on their unimproved properties for tax years 2020-2022. After a bench trial, the Court affirmed the assessments. Square owns contiguous properties which comprise a surface parking lot with a capacity... Read More