How One Texas Agency Restricted Its Eminent Domain Powers

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
1 Sep 2023
Here is some eminent domain news from the Lone Star State. In a rarely seen maneuver (at least something this blogger has never), a new policy adopted by the Texas Parks & Wildlife Commission will restrict the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s (TPWD) future use of its eminent domain powers. Parks and Wildlife Code (section... Read More

NJ Inverse Condemnation Action “Grossly Out of Time”

by: Joseph Grather
30 Aug 2023
A two-judge panel of the Superior Court, Appellate Division issued a per curiam opinion yesterday in 546 OG, LLC v Edgewater affirming summary judgment dismissal of a property owner’s “inverse” condemnation claim. Opinion – 546 OG LLC v. Edgewater.  Basically, when a property owner alleges that its property has been taken by a governmental entity... Read More

Water Company Considers Condemning Alabama Neighborhood

by: Michael Realbuto
25 Aug 2023
Many of the typical eminent domain cases involve circumstances where a condemnor (i.e., the taking authority) seeks to take a solitary parcel of property, or a portion of the same, to further a public project. So, when we catch wind of a story where a water company is seeking to seize a city neighborhood, it... Read More

Eminent Domain in the Amazon Rainforest?

by: Joseph Grather
24 Aug 2023
Being a “dirt lawyer” or owner’s counsel for the past twenty years – you start seeing takings’ law in everyday life.  For instance, this past Sunday I read an article in the New York Times – Brazil Found Last Survivors of Amazon Tribe. Now What? (August 20, 2023)  In 1989, a government agent, deep in... Read More

Is Rent Control A Taking? NY Owners Ask Supreme Court to Decide

by: Joseph Grather
17 Aug 2023
Catching up on my summer reading.  I stumbled across a great law review article by Michael Berger entitled, The Joy of Takings (Journal of Law & Policy 2017), which is recommended reading for any condemnation practitioner and may be the subject of a future blog. But today, I wanted to share a Petition for Certiorari... Read More

The Heavy Burden of Eminent Domain

by: Michael Realbuto
16 Aug 2023
Can The Government “Take” Private Property? In theory, eminent domain is the inherent power of the government to “take” private property for “public use.” When the government elects to exercise this power, the Constitution requires that “just compensation” be paid to the property owner in exchange for the taking. Based on this theory, it is... Read More

“Perpetual” Storm Protection???

by: Joseph Grather
14 Aug 2023
Circa 2018 project picture. Long-time owners of ocean-front property in New Jersey and Long Island engaged in a ritual every Spring or early Summer. Pushing sand that had eroded from winter storms.  It was almost a right of passage.  That all changed after Hurricane Sandy when government intervened with the all too familiar, “we’re here... Read More

UPDATE To STAY NJ – We Shall See In January 2026!

by: Thomas Olson
3 Aug 2023
Back in June, we blogged about the early rumblings of a bill to be passed which would increase property tax savings to Seniors living in New Jersey. Billed as “Stay NJ”, it was purported that Senior homeowners and renters (aged 65 and older) could see reductions in their property tax bills up to $6,500 for... Read More

Sandy Dunes Still Creating Property Rights Disputes

by: Joseph Grather
31 Jul 2023
Earlier this year, several oceanfront property owners in Toms River sued their homeowner’s association and the municipality because they were precluded from building a “dune walkover.”  The dunes are those that were funded after the devastation to the Jersey Shore caused by Hurricane Sandy in 2012.  The project was designed by the Army Corps of... Read More

The City of Newark to Perform its First Property Revaluation Since 2013

by: Matthew Erickson
28 Jul 2023
The City of Newark, New Jersey on July 19, 2023 passed an Ordinance for a Special Emergency Revaluation. This will be the City’s first property tax revaluation since 2013.  This revaluation has not been officially scheduled but has a targeted completion date of sometime during or before the 2027 tax year.  This deadline was made... Read More