Was Eminent Domain “Made in America”? Upstate NY Residents Soon To Find Out

by: Anthony F. Della Pelle
28 Nov 2022
Nearly 20 years after the United States Supreme Court issued its controversial opinion in Kelo v. City of New London, an economic development project near Syracuse, New York has residents wondering whether their homes and businesses will be taken by eminent domain in order that a computer chip factory can be built by Micron, one... Read More

Trenton Mayor vs. City Council: Who Controls the Creation of a Redevelopment Agency?

by: Michael Realbuto
21 Nov 2022
In Mercer County, there is a lawsuit heating up between the Trenton City Council and Mayor Reed Gusciora over the creation of a new redevelopment agency. The City Council kicked off the lawsuit in April 2022 with a Verified Complaint and Order to Show Cause. The Order to Show Cause sought to preliminarily restrain the... Read More

Court Grants Tax Exemption To Nonprofit Property

by: Thomas Olson
16 Nov 2022
In a recent published Tax Court opinion by Judge Vito Bianco, J.T.C., the Court considered the exemption status of a property owned by nonprofit organization, Options Imagined (“Options”). Options had filed for exemption from property tax assessment of its property to the Morris County Tax Board which denied the application. Options appealed the decision to... Read More

Texas Court Rules that Property Owners May Sue Army Corps for Flood Damages

by: Joseph Grather
14 Nov 2022
A Texas Court recently awarded six “upstream” property owners affected by flooding during Hurricane Harvey (August 2017) $550,000. See Landmark Research summary 2022-11-8 Compensation for Army Corps Flooding – Hurricane Harvey.  During Hurricane Harvey, the Addicks and Barker Flood Reservoirs created by the Army Corps of Engineers filled with water and caused widespread damage to... Read More

All Rise for the Jury!

by: Joseph Grather
1 Nov 2022
A year and a half ago I blogged about trials in the age of COVID/sars (here).  I’m happy to report that we’re now back in person and I was lucky enough to spend last week at the historic Brennan Courthouse (interior rotunda pictured above) with a Hudson County jury.  There is nothing in the world... Read More

Valuing Contaminated Property in a Condemnation Case

by: Michael Realbuto
31 Oct 2022
Regarding the intersection of eminent domain and environmentally contaminated property, the New Jersey Supreme Court made the following observation: In general, eminent domain springs from two separate legal doctrines. The right of the State to take private property for the public good arises out of the necessity of government, whereas the obligation to make “just”... Read More

Court Declines to Invalidate Statute Prohibiting Third-Party Appeals in Tax Court

by: Matthew Erickson
12 Oct 2022
On September 28, 2022, the Superior Court of New Jersey, Mercer Vicinage, rendered a thirteen (13) page unpublished opinion in New Jersey Citizen Action, et al. v. State of New Jersey et al. that addressed the constitutionality of a recent change to the property tax appeal statute that removed third-party appeals of local property tax... Read More


by: Thomas Olson
11 Oct 2022
Changes may be on the horizon for the New Jersey’s Senior Freeze program. The Senior Freeze program helps eligible New Jerseyans lower their property taxes by reimbursing property tax payments increases and “freezes” the property tax rate for eligible homeowners and mobile home park site fees. This is particularly helpful for senior residents living on... Read More

Stand Clear: Belleville Prepares to Investigate a New Redevelopment Area

by: Michael Realbuto
4 Oct 2022
Besides being the hometown of a man who motivated many tri-state attorneys with his courtroom pizzazz, Belleville is also the potential home to a new “area in need of redevelopment” pursuant to the New Jersey Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A;1, et seq (“LRHL”). Last week, the Belleville Town Council passed a resolution that... Read More

Tax Court Declines to Extend Recent Expansion of Veteran’s Exemption

by: Matthew Erickson
30 Sep 2022
Disabled Veteran’s Tax Exemption On September 12, 2022, the Tax Court of New Jersey rendered a six (6) page unpublished opinion in Michael Hutchings v. Borough of Lawnside that addressed whether a Lawnside resident qualified for the “disabled veteran’s exemption” from his local property taxes.  The opinion, written by the Hon. Kathi F. Fiamingo, J.T.C.,... Read More