Appeals Court Finds Restaurant on University Campus Tax Exempt Due to Colorful Arguments
On May 31, 2018, the Tax Court of New Jersey held that a restaurant operated on Kean University’s campus did not constitute a university space and therefore was liable for local property taxes. Exactly one year later, an Appellate Division decision reversed the Tax Court decision and ruled that space on Kean University’s campus was... Read More
Knicks Win Big in Court, and on Court
Last week ended with big takings news for Knicks in both Pennsylvania and New York. In New York, the Knicks professional basketball team “took” former Duke University star R.J. Barrett with the third pick in the NBA draft. Barrett is thought by many to have been the best all around prospect in the draft, and... Read More
Appellate Court Affirms Favorable Owner Verdict Where Owner Did Not Present Appraisal Expert
The Appellate Division recently affirmed a judgment awarding a property owner $4,500,000 where the only appraisal expert testimony was the condemning agency’s expert, who opined that the property in question was only worth $2,830,000. The case was captioned Township of Manalapan v. Gentile and was commenced in August of 2010 to acquire a 45 acre... Read More
The App. Div. Says: “No Veteran’s Exemption Upon Remarriage”
The Appellate Division reversed the Tax Court’s judgment conferring a military veteran’s exemption for tax year 2016 as the surviving spouse of her first husband (an honorably discharged, decorated Vietnam veteran who qualified for an exemption) who remarried. The spouse’s exemption qualifies only during widowhood related to the death of the qualifying husband. This right... Read More
Taxpayer’s Effort to Increase Assessor’s Own Assessment Might be Frivolous and Trigger Sanctions
The New Jersey Tax Court recently issued an opinion regarding the timeliness of an application for sanctions and fees in connection with a property tax appeal filed by a resident who sought to increase the assessment on a home owned by a husband and wife who also are appraisers and local tax assessors. The tax... Read More
Appellate Court: Mobile Home Park Can Satisfy Affordable Housing Obligation
A New Jersey appellate court recently held that a municipality may use its eminent domain powers to seize a mobile home park in order fulfill its affordable housing obligation. The matter involved the taking by the Township of Robbinsville of a mobile home park owned by defendant, Mercer MHC, LLC, which contained approximately 14 acres... Read More
Tax Court to Tax Assessors: Time to Choose a Side!
A recent opinion by New Jersey Tax Court Mala Sundar, approved for publication, may force at least some of New Jersey’s municipal tax assessors to change the way they do business. The case, decided April 2, 2019, involved a motion by the Township of Hazlet to bar a property owner’s appraisal expert because that expert... Read More
Single Family Residence, Not Permitted By Local Zoning, Granted Exemption By Tax Court
A single family residence in Mahwah Township was recently granted a summary judgment, holding it exempt from property taxation pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:4-3.6. The plaintiff, Chai Lifeline, Inc. owns a single family home in Mahwah used as a retreat to assist families with children suffering from terminal, life-threatening or other serious illnesses. The property includes... Read More
Property Tax: Does “Mere Retrofitting or Upgrading” Trigger an Added Assessment?
Judge Vito Bianco, pursuant to R. 2:5-6(c), filed an amplification letter expanding on his reasons for deciding to grant plaintiff, Plaza Twenty Three Station, LLC’s (“Plaza”) motion for summary judgment for tax year 2017 and denied its motion for summary judgment for tax year 2018. Plaza’s motion was to invalidate a 2017 added assessment imposed... Read More
App. Div. To Condemnors: Is This Really Necessary?
A recent New Jersey Appellate Division case focused upon the showing of necessity that a municipality or agency must make to condemn property located in a redevelopment zone and take it from its owners. The panel reversed the trial court’s decision allowing the Borough of Glassboro (“Borough”) to acquire Defendant’s (Jack Grossman, Matthew Roche and... Read More